Monday 20 September 2010

October Shopping List

Payday. One of the best days in the life of every humble employee. For this month, I have already budgeted the ff:

Formal flats
Since I started working (and commuting) here in Sg, I rarely get to wear my high heels. Wearing them for work would mean carrying another bag for the shoesies while I hop on and off the bus with my ever reliable walking shoes. I’ve tried this scheme during my first few weeks of work but boy, it was too much of a hassle.
This is actually one of the few reasons why I miss having a car to bring me to work and to store loads of shoes (where I used to do my shoe picking at the office parking lot). Trade offs..

Work shoes for Gracee
Thanks to skype, I am able to chat with family in Mnl and US every week. Last night Gracee complained about her difficulty to find shoes for her (really) small feet. Definitely the only options she has are the kiddie sections of the department stores. Good thing a friend is flying to US soon and volunteered to carry my “little” gifts for her.

Shoe Cabinet

STÄLL shoe cabinet with 3 compartments from Ikea
It makes me sad seeing the babies lying on a black rubber mat, boxless. I saw a shoe cabinet in Ikea that matches the house furniture. I am really thinking of buying it on my next trip to Ikea.

Linen, pillows, and laundry basket for Giselle
Yes, the baby is finally taking her big step. Being the excited ate, I want to make sure that her stay with me would be really comfortable to at least lessen the stress of job-hunting in a highly competitive environment.

That’s it for this month. I admit I have so many needs and wants but practicality kicks in. I’m not trying to be stingy because I know I’ll never be one and I have accepted that already. My move here definitely improved the way I handle my finances—starting with ridding my bad habit of purchasing unnecessary clutter. Maybe I’ll throw in a couple of work clothes. Just maybe.

And since I moved here, not a single purchase was made using my credit card! Talk about big leaps, eh?

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